The Heart of Chocolate Psychology

What drives me is making a difference. I believe that we can all have an impact, simply by trying our best to live out what we believe in and are drawn toward. 

Chocolate Psychology is the essence of who I am as I try to make a difference in the world. My desire to lift others up and help them win is infused through my professional work as a business psychologist (, but I wanted to carve out a separate space for the sole purpose of encouraging others.

I think that when we work hard to excel, in whatever we are doing, it’s easy to lose the connection to what fuels and rewards us. The branches and the leaves of our trees look okay, but the roots are a little starved for food and water. Over time, everything takes more effort because we’re trying to show the same results but with fewer resources.

I hope you find something here that feeds you and helps you on your journey. I hope you know you matter. I wish you hope when the path is dark, and comfort when you feel alone.

Photo of Dr. Tricia Groff